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Envoy hails Iran-Kazakhstan amicable ties throughout history

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Envoy hails Iran-Kazakhstan amicable ties throughout history

 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Iran said that the two countries of Iran and Kazakhstan have established brotherly and amicable ties in the course of history.

Speaking on the occasion of Iran-Kazakhstan Cultural Night on Sunday, Askhat Orazbay seized this opportunity to express his thanks for organizing such a prestigious cultural program and expressed hope that such a new initiative would continue in the future.

He went on to say that Kazakhstan is a friendly country to the Islamic Republic of Iran in a way that senior officials of the two countries have emphasized this issue in their messages repeatedly.

History has shown that the relations between the two countries have been brotherly and deep in all cultural, social and economic sectors, the ambassador added.

Republic of Kazakhstan attaches great importance to its relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, he said, adding, “Kazakh nationals in the Islamic Republic of Iran are mostly residing in Golestan province and we thank Iranian government for hosting Kazakh people and will never forget the hospitality of Iranians towards our nationals.”

The Director General of Golestan Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts, for his part, said that organizing Iran-Kazakhstan Cultural Night will open a new chapter for amicable ties between the two countries.

Ahmad Tajari said that handicrafts, culture, clothing, dialect and traditional foods of the tribes have caused Golestan province to enjoy high attractiveness in the field of tourism

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  • writer : kaviani
  • views : 2262
  • news code : 39

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