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Festival of Iranian Ethnic Culture to boost Iran-China friendship: Envoy

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Festival of Iranian Ethnic Culture to boost Iran-China friendship: Envoy

 Chinese Ambassador to Tehran Chang Hua said on Friday that holding the 14th International Festival of Iranian Ethnic Culture in Golestan province helps the Chinese people become familiar with Iranian culture and that it would bolster amicable ties between Iran and China.

Virtually participating in the festival, which is underway in Golestan province’s capital city Gorgan, the ambassador underlined that this event assists the Chinese people to get more acquainted with the Iranian culture and strengthens mutual understanding between the two nations.

He added that the Chinese embassy in Tehran in cooperation with the Iranian authorities would hold a set of cultural activities in a bid to commemorate the 50th anniversary of relations between the two countries.

Referring to his last year presence in the Festival of Iranian Ethnic Culture in Gorgan, Chang noted that after inspecting colorful culture of the Golestan province during the last year festival, he wished to invite his Chinese friends to become familiar with the capacity of the northern Iranian province; so, the virtual festival of this year helped him materialize the wish.

The 14th International Festival of Iranian Ethnic Culture opened virtually with the participation of Iranian and foreign guests as well as officials from Golestan province.

The festival is going to continue until January 31, 2021. People could visit www.gcth.ir to watch live programs of the event via Aparat and Instagram platforms at 21 till 22:30.

Golestan province with 1.9 million population is considered as the gallery of Iranian tribes, races and followers of different religious sects; therefore, the permanent secretariat of the Iranian ethnic culture festival is located in Gorgan.

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  • writer : kaviani
  • views : 878
  • news code : 30

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