пї We have no shortage of basic goods needed by the province » Governor Of Golestan

Governor of Golestan Informing Base

» » We have no shortage of basic goods needed by the province

The governor of Golestan in the first meeting of the headquarters for democratization:

We have no shortage of basic goods needed by the province

We have no shortage of basic goods needed by the province

The governor of Golestan said: there is nothing to worry about in the field of strategic goods storage and there are enough goods in the province that are subject to the plan to eliminate preferential currency.

According to the Golestan governor's information base, Dr. Ali Mohammad Zanganeh stated on the evening of Thursday, May 12, at the first meeting of the headquarters for democratization and equitable distribution of subsidies (Shahid Amani camp ), which was attended by Dr. Papizadeh, Deputy Minister of Jihad Agriculture: Martyr Amani has been created in two economic and social fields and committees and working groups, in a completely transparent manner and with a clear division of labor, and the goal is to have different components of these two fields in the cultural, social, persuasive, security and disciplinary fields. , Economics can act in a completely synergistic and coordinated manner in the province.

He added: "Currently, we urgently need to inform the people about the long-term benefits of this project for the country's economy, for livelihood, especially for the people in the lower deciles."

The governor of Golestan pointed out: "People should know that the subsidies that were paid before did not hit the target groups, and the rich and low-income people used it equally, even the rich people used it more;" For example, in the field of energy, a person who does not have a car does not use the gasoline subsidy, but the person who has it, may have several cars and use more subsidies; It also uses more capacity in gas, electricity, etc.

Dr. Zanganeh continued: "If this subsidy is paid directly to the lower deciles and the beneficiaries pay for their consumption in a real way, a good thing will happen and the prevention of extravagance and smuggling is one of its benefits."

Emphasizing that the media, cyberspace, influential people, etc. should all work to achieve this social persuasion, he clarified: All devices were asked to remove ambiguity from the people with all their might.

The governor of Golestan said: those who have questions about the non-payment of livelihood assistance can resolve the ambiguity both through the Internet portal and through communication with the General Directorate of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare.

He stressed that the General Departments of Government Punishment, Silence and Agricultural Jihad should seriously put measures related to regulating and monitoring the market on the agenda.

He expressed hope that this fundamental reform in the country's economic system, which should have happened sooner, would be implemented in the best possible way with the help and support of the dear people.

Dr. Zanganeh stated: "We call on the people to show restraint and patience, and we assure them that the president is an honest person, and this has been proven to us in the province."

The governor of Golestan reminded: in the province, we saw that after the president's visit, despite the fact that it was done at the end of the year, on the night of Eid, about 1400 billion tomans in cash was approved and paid to the province, which did not exist at all. It was injected into construction projects, and this shows that the government is fulfilling every promise it makes.

We have no shortage of basic goods needed by the province

We have no shortage of basic goods needed by the province

We have no shortage of basic goods needed by the province

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  • writer : admin
  • views : 417
  • news code : 44

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