пї We have no shortage of chicken, eggs and oil » Governor Of Golestan

Governor of Golestan Informing Base

» » We have no shortage of chicken, eggs and oil

Golestan governor visits oil production unit in the province;

We have no shortage of chicken, eggs and oil

We have no shortage of chicken, eggs and oil

The governor of Golestan, referring to the province's capacity in supplying food items, said: "We have no shortage in supplying chicken, eggs and oil needed by the province, and of course Golestan is designated by some provinces in food items."

According to the information base of Golestan governorate, Dr. Ali Mohammad Zanganeh stated today, Saturday, May 15, during a visit to an edible oil production unit in the province: More than 16,000 tons of edible and industrial oils are produced monthly in Golestan and the province consumes 3,500 tons. .

He added: the surplus oil production of the province will be sent to four provinces of Tehran, Alborz, Khorasan Razavi and North Khorasan and there is no concern about the shortage of goods in the province.

The governor of Golestan reminded: the raw materials of the production factories of the province have been cleared through customs and the factories will receive their quotas according to the forecast.

Dr. Zanganeh reminded in another part of his interview: the survivors and the protesters can express their objections to the funds of deposit subsidies through the welfare system and also receive their decile through the number 09200006369.

He said: "Livestock and poultry producers and food factories can receive working capital and the necessary cooperation will be done with them."

The governor of Golestan, referring to the approved prices of goods, said: "Inspectors will have patrols in the market, and people can report any violations to the General Directorate of Mining and Trade at 124."

Regarding the implementation of the targeted subsidy plan, Dr. Zanganeh noted: "The advantages of this plan are for the lower deciles and it reduces the field of rent and corruption, because in the previous form, the supervision was not done as it should be and maybe because of the cheapness." Arzaq in the Islamic Republic, a significant part of it went beyond the borders, and we hope that in the process of providing direct subsidies to the target groups, we will not see the previous problems and, of course, the motivation of the producers will increase.

He said: in the implementation of the current plan, more than 7700 billion tomans of resources will be available to less decades.

The governor of Golestan also visited the distribution of food items in stores.

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  • writer : admin
  • views : 445
  • news code : 45

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