пї The presence of specialized parliamentary commissions in the province creates extraordinary capacities » Governor Of Golestan

Governor of Golestan Informing Base

» » The presence of specialized parliamentary commissions in the province creates extraordinary capacities

The Governor of Golestan in the meeting summarizing the presence of the Civil Commission:

The presence of specialized parliamentary commissions in the province creates extraordinary capacities

The presence of specialized parliamentary commissions in the province creates extraordinary capacities

The governor of Golestan said: the presence of specialized parliamentary commissions in the province creates extraordinary capacities, including the fact that the challenges and issues of the province are closely studied and seen by the members of the commissions.

According to the Golestan Governor's Information Center, Dr. Ali Mohammad Zanganeh, on Thursday evening, May 12, at the meeting summarizing the presence of the Parliamentary Civil Commission in the province, noted: " When the commissions see and review these issues closely, we have a special opportunity to To take better steps with these loved ones in the annual budget bill.

He said that the budget base of Golestan province after abstraction was seen as very weak and to take this gap to take longer steps, he noted: Today we talked about the construction budget related to the 1402 budget bill with the help of the commission and Let's see more strongly with the aristocracy after visiting all the cities of the province.

Dr. Zanganeh stated: Some projects that are basic projects, such as the rescue of Gorgan Bay, which is not just dredging, but about 14 and 15 interventions and the project must be done simultaneously.

The governor of Golestan added: "The role of these loved ones in the Civil Commission is both demanding and valuable in allocating resources by the relevant agencies at the national level, which must provide resources for the implementation of other interventions ."

He added: "In this meeting, each of the issues related to road infrastructure projects and projects related to the mission of the commission, such as housing and the actions of the Housing Foundation, pilot projects and rural roads, etc. were examined and the implementation of tourism projects from Such as cable cars, Ashuradeh ecotourism and tourism plan were also examined.

Dr. Zanganeh pointed out: "Two members of our House of Representatives are members of the Civil Commission and it provides an extraordinary opportunity for the province to advance so that we can have more capacity than the Civil Commission of the Parliament in the next steps we take for the development of the province."

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  • views : 380
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