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14th Intl. Festival of Iranian Ethnic Culture opens virtually

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14th Intl. Festival of Iranian Ethnic Culture opens virtually


The opening ceremony of the 14th International Festival of Iranian Ethnic Culture has been held virtually with the participation of Iranian and foreign audience as well as authorities of Golestan province in its capital city Gorgan.

Golestan provincial governor Hadi Hagh Shenas addressed the ceremony on Thursday night that various traditions of tribes of the province consists of cultural identity of the region, which should be presented to the new generation more than ever.

This year for the first time, four villages and one city of Golestan province have been selected as the villages and city of national handicrafts, which shows the high capacity of the region in terms of cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts, Hagh Shenas said.

Ahmad Tajarri, managing director of the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism of Golestan Province, the permanent secretariat of the International Festival of Iranian Ethnic Culture decided to hold the 14th round of the festival virtually due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Some 1800 artists from 31 provinces of Iran present their artworks in the first virtual exhibition of handicrafts of the 14th International Festival of Iranian Ethnic Culture, Tajarri added.

He went on to say that 23 bands performing Persian traditional music during four nights of the festival, noting that one of foreign ambassadors to Iran will virtually take part in live programs of the event every night.

Online sales, cultural and artistic performances, educational webinars, presentation of rural culture, professional interviews and various competitions are among the programs of the 14th International Festival of Iranian Ethnic Culture.

The 14th International Festival of Iranian Ethnic Culture is going to continue until January 31, 2021. Enthusiasts could visit www.gcth.ir to watch live programs via Aparat and Instagram platforms at 21 till 22:30.

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  • writer : kaviani
  • views : 718
  • news code : 29

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